Brazil Soybean Meal
Brazil Soybean Meal

The soybean meal produced from soybeans is the most used in animal nutrition. It is rich in crude protein content, and together with its high protein value, it has an excellent balance of amino acids, being considered as the most suitable vegetable protein supplement available.
What is Soybean Meal ?
As already mentioned at the beginning of this text, it is produced from the milling of husked and defatted soy flakes. The bran obtained as a by-product in the extraction of the oil is mainly used as animal feed, due to the high protein content (43 - 50%).
Brazilian 86,4% soybean meal exporter

Soybean is the most important agricultural crop in Brazil and supplies the domestic market with edible oil and oil for the production of biodiesel, as well as with soybean meal in the production of pigs and poultry. Projections indicate growth in world demand for Soy, mainly in Asia, which will be a great business opportunity for Brazil.
Specific for soybean meal
Color: From light yellow to light brown
Pesticides: Non-GMO
Smell: Specific for soybean meal without foreign odors (musty, mold, putrefaction)
Moisture, %: 9,0
Protein (on dry basis), %: 46,32
Crude fiber (on dry basis), %: 10,0
Crude fat (on dry basis), %: 3,0
Ash (on dry basis), %: 6,0
TDN: 84
ADF: 10
NDF: 15
Dry matter, %: 91,0
Ether, %: 1,2
Ca, %: 0,28
P, %: 0,71
K, %: 2,2
Cl, %: 0,08
S, % 0,49
Zn ppm: 61
Level of Toxic elements, Mycotoxins, Radionuclides and Pesticides: Toxic elements, mg/kg:
lead: 0,5
cadmium: 0,1
arsenic: 0,2
mercury: 0,03
cuprum: 10,0
zinc: 50,0
Mycotoxins, mg/kg:
Aflatoxin Bl, mg/kg: 0,005
Zearalenone, mg/kg: 1,0
Desoxynivalenol (vomitoxin), mg/kg: 0,1
T-2 toxin, mg/kg: 0,5
ochratoxin A: 0,005
Radionuclides, Bk/kg:
strontium-90: 20
cesium-137: 50
Are you looking for the price of Soybean Meal NON GMO?
Click on our Soybean Meal price page and see the cost and value of GMO soybean for export.
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Brazil Soybean Farm
Soybean Crop
#Soybean meal origin Brazil.
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